Phone Carrier Lookup
Know the carrier details behind every phone number with NumLookup's free carrier lookup tool. Our Phone Carrier Lookup tool has access to most carriers' databases that enables us to provide the most accurate and real-time carrier information for any phone number. We leverage our deep carrier relationships that power our reverse phone lookup for phone carrier lookups. We are not only able to retrieve carrier information for mobile and landline numbers but also VOIP phone numbers. Perform a search below to out the carrier information instantly.

“ As a small business owner, I frequently need to contact customers and potential leads. The comprehensive details Phone Carrier Lookup provides have helped me tailor my approach depending on the carrier and line type. I've seen a noticeable increase in my communication effectiveness since using this service. The ability to find social media using phone number has allowed me to maximize the effectiveness of my marketing spend. ”

Besides phone number validation & verification, a phone carrier lookup is a service that allows you to identify the mobile network operator (or carrier) of a particular phone number. This can include both mobile and landline numbers. Carriers are the companies that provide phone services, such as Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and many others.
When you input a phone number into a carrier lookup service, it checks that number against a database and returns information about the carrier that owns the number. This service is typically used by individuals who want to know more about a particular phone number or by businesses for various purposes, such as verifying the legitimacy of a phone number, routing telecommunications, or tailoring marketing efforts.
It's important to note that while a phone carrier lookup can provide the name of the carrier associated with a number, it usually does not provide personal information about the individual who owns or uses the number, in accordance with privacy laws and regulations.

- Carrier's Name
With every search, you will get the carrier or telco operator's full name. All carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc. are supported. - Phone Number Type
Identify landline, mobile, VOIP and toll-free numbers. This information can be very powerful to help you determine the best communication channel to select for customer communication. For example, if the carrier type is mobile, it may be best to text the customer whereas for landline, calling may be the best option.

- Reduced Costs
Some carriers may charge extra for communications with other carriers. Businesses can use carrier lookup to manage costs by controlling or limiting communications to high-cost carriers. - Faster Customer Service
Phone Carrier information can be used to anticipate and address customer needs. For example, if a customer has a problem with a service and you know their carrier, you can proactively offer solutions tailored to that carrier. - Reduce Fraudulent Transactions
You can add Carrier Lookup as an additional step in your fraud mitigation strategy. Phone numbers that belong to mobile carriers such as AT&T & Verizon pose a minimal risk. This information combined with our world's most comprehensive phone number lookup service can be invaluable in reducing all kinds of fraud.

- Telecom Operators
Telecom companies have databases of phone numbers assigned to them. Our direct partnerships with most carriers allows us to access this data, including caller identification and number validation. - Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) data
In the US, the NPAC administers the country's Number Portability Lookup Service (NPLS). The NPLS database has information about which phone numbers belong to which carriers, even after those numbers have been ported (transferred) from one carrier to another. - Publicly available data & Third-party Data Brokers
There are various online databases that store publicly available data regarding phone numbers, including carrier information. We also partner with 3rd-Party data brokers that collect, package, and sell phone carrier information from a variety of sources.